Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive
    Australia   Queensland

    Queensland elections since 1860

    Welcome to the first and only comprehensive online archive of Queensland election statistics. When it is complete, it will give full results of all Queensland elections from the first election in April-May 1860 down to the March 2024 by-elections. This archive doubtless contains many errors, some derived from the original sources, some of my own making. I would be grateful to be advised of any errors which readers may detect.

    Introduction to Queensland elections

    Legislative Assembly elections

    1860 | 1863 | 1867 | 1868 | 1870 | 1871 | 1873 | 1878 | 1883 | 1888 | 1893 | 1896 | 1899 | 1902 | 1904 | 1907 | 1908 | 1909 | 1912 | 1915 | 1918 | 1920 | 1923 | 1926 | 1929 | 1932 | 1935 | 1938 | 1941 | 1944 | 1947 | 1950 | 1953 | 1956 | 1957 | 1960 | 1963 | 1966 | 1969 | 1972 | 1974 | 1977 |
    2001 | 2004 | 2006 | 2009 | 2012 | 2015 | 2017 | 2020 |

    Election maps

    1860 | 1899 | 1950 | 1995 | 2001 | 2020 |

    Legislative Assembly pendulums

    1912 | 1915 | 1918 | 1920 | 1923 | 1926 | 1929 | 1932 | 1935 | 1938 | 1941 | 1944 | 1947 | 1950 | 1953 | 1956 | 1957 | 1960 | 1963 | 1966 | 1969 | 1972 | 1974 | 1977 |
    2001 | 2004 | 2006 | 2009 | 2012 | 2015 | 2017 | 2020 |

    Queensland ministries

    Herbert I | Macalister I | Herbert II | Macalister II | Mackenzie | Lilley | Palmer | Macalister III | Thorn | Douglas | McIlwraith I | Griffith I | McIlwraith II | Morehead | Griffith II | McIlwraith III | Nelson | Byrnes | Dickson | Dawson | Philp I | Morgan | Kidston I | Philp II | Kidston II |
    | Ryan | Theodore | Gillies | McCormack | Moore | Smith | Cooper | Hanlon | Gair | Nicklin | Pizzey | Chalk | Bjelke-Petersen |
    Beattie | Bligh | Newman | Palaszczuk | Miles |