Australian federal election, 2022
Senate election, New South Wales
Vic /
Qld /
WA /
SA /
Tas /
Senators up for election in 2022:
Senator Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (Liberal) (retiring)
Senator Hon Kristina Keneally (Labor) (resigned 13 April)
Senator Jenny McAllister (Labor)
Senator Jim Molan AO DSC (Liberal)
Senator Deb O'Neill (Labor)
Senator Hon Marise Payne (Liberal)
Senators serving until 2025:
Senator Tim Ayres Labor)
Senator Andrew Bragg (Liberal)
Senator Perin Davey (Nationals)
Senator Mehreen Faruqi (Greens)
Senator Holly Hughes (Liberal)
Senator Tony Sheldon (Labor)
At the 2019 election, the Coalition won 2.70 quotas, while Labor won 2.09 quotas. It therefore seems almost certain that the Coalition
will win three seats and Labor two seats, a loss for Labor. The Greens polled 0.61 quotas, which was enough get
Mehreen Faruqi elected, so it seems likely that the sixth seat will go to the Greens. Labor had three sitting Senators, and one of them seemed
certain to lose. The Left's Jenny McAllister was guaranteed the second spot on the ticket, so this left the Right's Kristina Keneally and Deb O'Neill to
contend for the first spot. In September 2021 Keneally announced that she would stand for a House of Representatives seat. Labor's third candidate is
Dr Shireen Morris, a constitutional lawyer, who stood for Deakin (Vic) in 2019.
On the Coalition side, Foreign Minister Marise Payne will head the ticket, and the Nationals' former state party director Ross Cadell will take second spot,
reclaiming the seat the Nats lost when Fiona Nash was forced to resign over the citizenship issue. In March, Senator Jim Molan, who is 71, defeated former
minister Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells for the vulnerable third position, following which Fierravanti-Wells announced her retirement.
The lead Greens candidate is sitting MLC David Shoebridge.
Candidates in ballot-paper order:
Group A: Animal Justice Party
Darren Brollo |
Julie Power |
Steve Keen |
Melissa Green |
Steve Keen website
Melissa Green website
Group C: Citizens Party
Kingsley Liu |
Ann Lawler |
Kingsley Liu website
Ann Lawler website
Group D: Sustainable Australia
Georgia Lamb |
Suzanne De Vive |
Georgia Lamb website
Group E: Australian Greens
David Shoebridge |
Dr Amanda Cohn |
Rochelle Flood |
Jane Scott |
Hawa Arya |
Danielle Wheeler |
David Shoebridge website
Dr Amanda Cohn website
Rochelle Flood website
Group F: Socialist Equality Party (unregistered)
Max Boddy |
Oscar Grenfell |
Max Boddy website
Group G: Liberal Party, The Nationals
Senator Hon Marise Payne Liberal Party |
Ross Cadell The Nationals |
Senator Jim Molan AO DSC Liberal Party |
Alison Penfold The Nationals |
Mary-Lou Jarvis Liberal Party |
Vicky McGahey Liberal Party |
Senator Hon Marise Payne website
Ross Cadell website
Senator Jim Molan AO DSC website
Alison Penfold website
Mary-Lou Jarvis website
Vicky McGahey website
Group H: Reason Australia
Jane Caro |
Hannah Maher |
Diana Ryall |
Jane Caro website
Hannah Maher website
Group I: Socialist Alliance
Paula Sanchez |
Dr Niko Leka |
Rachel Evans |
Paula Sanchez website
Group J: Federal ICAC Now
Ross Jones |
Gabrielle Anderson |
Ross Jones website
Group K: Australian Democrats
Steven Batty |
Suzanne Rogers |
Dr Craig Richards |
Steven Baty website
Suzanne Rogers website
Craig Richards website
Group L: Indigenous-Aboriginal Party of Australia
Owen Whyman |
Lawrence Brooke |
Owen Whyman website
Group M: Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party
Shane Djuric |
Desiree Gregory |
Brian Milgate |
Jeremy Crooks |
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party website
Group N: Seniors United Party of Australia
Dessie Kocher |
Ray Bennie |
Seniors United Party website
Group O: informed Medical Options Party
Michael O'Neill |
Marelle Burnum Burnum |
Michael O'Neill website
Marelle Burnum Burnum website
Group P: The Great Australian Party
Matthew Hopkins |
George Nohra |
Matthew Hopkins website
Group Q: Legalise Cannabis Australia
Michael Balderstone |
Gail Hester |
Michael Balderstone website
Group R: Fusion: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency
Andrea Leong |
Ian Bryce |
Andrea Leong website
Ian Bryce website
Group S: Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Kate McCulloch |
Colin Grigg |
Roger Smith |
Kate McCulloch website
Colin Grigg website
Roger Smith website
Group T: Liberal Democrats
John Ruddick |
John Larter |
James Caldwell |
Mark Guest |
John Ruddick website
Group U: Australian Values Party
Selena Clancy |
Dave Gilbert |
Selena Clancy website
Group V: Australian Labor Party
Senator Deb O'Neill |
Senator Jenny McAllister |
Dr Shireen Morris |
Mich-Elle Myers |
Kylie Rose |
James Warren-Smith |
Senator Deb O'Neill website
Senator Jenny McAllister website
Dr Shireen Morris website
Mich-Elle Myers website
Kylie Rose website
James Warren-Smith website
Group W: United Australia Party
Domenick Martino |
Suellen Wrightson |
Wayne Moore |
Michelle Lee Martin |
Johnny Yap |
Kevin Loughrey |
Domenick Martino website
Danny Lim |
Julie Collins |
Warren Grzic |
Guitang Lu |
William Laing |
Danny Lim website
Warren Grzic website
William Laing website
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