Australian federal election, 2 July 2016
Senate election, South Australia
Vic /
Qld /
WA /
Tas /
Senators up for election in 2019:
Senator Hon David Fawcett (Liberal)
Senator Alex Gallagher (Labor)
Senator Lucy Gichuhi (elected as Family First, now Liberal)
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (Greens)
Senator Hon Anne Ruston (Liberal)
Senator Tim Storer (retiring)
Senators serving until 2022:
Senator Cory Bernardi (elected as Liberal, now Aust Conservative)
Senator Hon Simon Birmingham (Liberal)
Senator Hon Don Farrell (Labor)
Senator Stirling Griff (Centre Alliance)
Senator Rex Patrick (Centre Alliance)
Senator Hon Penny Wong (Labor)
The big unknown in SA is how much of the former Nick Xenophon Team’s vote will pass to the new Centre Alliance, without
Xenophon’s high personal profile. NXT polled 1.52 half-Senate quotas in 2016, which might be enought to elect two
Senators at a half-Senate election, but it seems highly unlikely that CA can repeat this feat without Xenophon's brand,
and without even a sitting senator on the ticket.
At the 2016 election, the Liberals polled 2.28 half-Senate quotas, Labor polled 1.91 half-Senate quotas, and
the Greens polled 0.41 half-Senate quotas. All three parties lost votes (and seats) to NXT, and will be hoping to recover
most of them this time. The Liberals and Labor will certainly win two seats each. The Greens will probably win one, but this
is far from certain. The Liberals and Labor will compete for the sixth seat. That would represent a gain of at least one
for Labor, and possibly two. But if the CA vote holds up they could either prevent the Liberals winning three seats, or
defeat the Greens' Senator Sarah Hanson-Young.
In early September Centre Alliance announced that former Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore (who was knocked out over section 44)
would be their lead Senate candidate, ending speculation that Xenophon himself might try to make a comeback. Kakoschke-Moore's
successor, Senator Tim Storer, now an independent, announced his retirement in April.
The other five outgoing Senators are recontesting their seats. The second Labor candidate, who is likely to be elected, will be
Marielle Smith (right). The third candidate, who has some chance if the Greens fall short, is Emily Gore (left). Senators
Anne Ruston and David Fawcett (both now frontbenchers) will head the Liberal ticket, with Adelaide City Councillor
Alex Antic in third place and Gichuhi relegated to fourth.
Candidates in ballot-paper order:
Group A: The Great Australian Party
Mark Aldridge |
Gary Matthews |
Group B: Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party
Peter Manuel |
Tim Dwyer |
Group C: Centre Alliance
Skye Kakoschke-Moore |
Craig Bossie |
Group D: Australian Democrats
Tim Burrow |
Andrew Castrique |
Group E: Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Jennifer Game |
Emma Illies |
Group F: Citizens Electoral Council
Sean Allwood |
Paul Siebert |
Group G: Liberal Party
Senator Hon Anne Ruston |
Senator Hon David Fawcett |
Alex Antic |
Senator Lucy Gichuhi |
Group H: Sustainable Australia
Graham Davies |
Robyn Coleman |
Group I: Help End Marijuana Prohibition
Angela Adams |
Matthew Iverson |
Group J: Australian Greens
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young |
Major Sumner |
Gwydion Rozitisolds |
Robn Seto |
Group K: United Australia Party
Kristian Rees |
Kerry Kovacs |
Sharon Hoskin |
Group L: Australian Conservatives
Rikki Lambert |
Carl Teusner |
Group M: Shooters, Fishers and Farmers
John Hahn |
Wayne Kirk |
Group N: Liberal Democrats
Kimbra Ransley |
Stephen Humble |
Group O: Australian Labor Party
Senator Alex Gallacher |
Marielle Smith |
Emily Gore |
Larissa Harrison |
Group P: Animal Justice Party
Louise Pfeiffer |
Wendy Davey |
Michael Lesiw |
Brett O'Donnell |
Henry Cox |
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