Australian federal election, 2 July 2016
Senate election, Queensland
(See NSW /
Vic /
WA /
SA /
Tas /
Senators up for election in 2019:
Senator Fraser Anning (Conservative National Party) (elected as One Nation)
Senator Chris Ketter (Labor)
Senator Hon Ian Macdonald (Liberal)
Senator Claire Moore (Labor), retiring
Senator Barry O'Sullivan (Nationals), retiring
Senator Larissa Waters (Greens)
Senators serving until 2022:
Senator Hon Matthew Canavan (Nationals)
Senator Anthony Chisholm (Labor)
Senator Pauline Hanson (One Nation)
Senator Hon James McGrath (Liberal)
Senator Amanda Stoker (Liberal)
Senator Murray Watt (Labor)
At the 2016 election, the Liberal National Party polled 2.47 half-Senate quotas, while Labor polled 1.85 half-Senate quotas -
Labor's worst result in any state. The LNP will certainly win two seats, and Labor will almost certainly do so. The Greens
polled 0.48 half-Senate quotas in 2016, which might have seen Senator Larissa Waters defeated if it had been a half-Senate
election. One Nation, with a ticket headed by Pauline Hanson, polled 0.64 half-Senate quotas. With the preferences of the
various smaller far-right parties, that would probably be enough to win a seat at a half-Senate election, although without the
Hanson name One Nation may not poll so well this time.
The LNP has dropped both Senator Ian Macdonald (Lib) and Senator Barry O'Sullivan (Nat), replacing them with Paul Scarr (Lib) and
Susan McDonald (Nat). Macdonald has been a Senator since 1991 and cannot have seriously expected another term, but O'Sullivan was only
elected in 2014 and is a popular figure in the Nationals - why he was dropped is a mystery and this may prove costly to the LNP.
Labor’s Senator Claire Moore (left) has retired. The Labor ticket was decided by the Labor state conference in September. The Left's
Nita Green will head the ticket, followed by the Right's Senator Chris Ketter and the Old Guard Right's Frank Gilbert.
Senator Andrew Bartlett, who inherited the Greens seat from Larissa Waters in 2017 when she resigned over citizenship, resigned in early
September, allowing Waters to return. The lead One Nation candidate will be former Senator Malcolm Roberts, who was ruled ineligible over citizenship. He will
be trying to knock off his successor, Senator Fraser Anning, who joined Bob Katter’s party after leaving One Nation, but later left the Katter party as well. Despite
Anning's bid to outflank One Nation on the right with his "final solution" speech, he has little chance of re-election.
In summary, the LNP and Labor will almost certainly win two seats each. Beyond that there are several possibilities. The fifth and sixth seats may go to
One Nation and the Greens (probably the most likely prospect). But the One Nation seat may go to the Coalition, and the Greens seat may go to Labor –
Labor won three seats in 2007 and could do so again if the Greens fare badly. It’s also possible, given the LNP’s current poor polling, that the
far-right parties could win two seats, with either Anning or Clive Palmer's new party sneaking a spot.
Candidates in ballot-paper order:
Group A: Rise Up Australia
Graham Healy |
Lionel Henaway |
Group B: Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Malcolm Roberts |
Steve Dickson (disendorsed) |
Group C: United Australia Party
Clive Palmer |
Martin Brewster |
Yodie Batzke |
Group D: Liberal National Party
Paul Scarr (Liberal) |
Susan McDonald (National) |
Gerard Rennick (Liberal) |
Senator Hon Ian Macdonald (Liberal) |
Amanda Camm (National) |
Nicole Tobin (Liberal) |
Group E: Involuntary Medication Objectors (Vaccination/Fluoride) Party
Allona Lahn |
Adam Rowe |
Group F: Climate Action! Immigration Action! Accountable Politicians!
Kris Bullen |
Robyn Stevenson |
Group G: Animal Justice Party
Karagh-Mae Kelly |
Leah Coutts |
Belinda Hardy |
Group H: Australian Greens
Senator Larissa Waters |
Navdeep Singh |
Johanna Kloot |
Raelene Ellis |
Miranda Bertram |
Kirsten Kennedy |
Group I: Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party
Senator Fraser Anning |
Paul Taylor |
Mark Absolon |
Nancy Sandford |
Brad Cameron |
Group J: Australian Labor Party
Nita Green |
Senator Chris Ketter |
Frank Gilbert |
Tania Major |
Stacey Schinnerl |
Christina Warry |
Group K: Independents for Climate Action Now
Dr Andy Lewis |
Cornel Lokkers |
Gary Pead |
Group L: Australian Workers Party
Gregory Bradley |
Kathleen Wellstead |
Group M: Australian Better Families
Darren Caulfield |
Adam Finch |
Rod Fox |
Group N: Help End Marijuana Prohibition
John Jiggens |
Frank Jordan |
Group O: Australian Conservatives
Lyle Shelton |
Joanna Lindgren |
Kate Horan |
Group P: Labour DLP
Lindsay Temple |
Sheila Vincent |
Group Q: Katter's Australian Party
Joy Marriott |
Gregory Wallace |
Alan Webb |
Group R: Independent
Hetty Johnston |
Sue Mureau |
Group S: The Great Australian Party
Arjay Martin |
Tania Moohin |
Group T: Pirate Party
Brandon Selic |
Miles Whiticker |
Group U:Sustainable Australia
Cameron Murray |
Chris Simpson |
Group V: Love Australia or Leave
Kim Vuga |
Gavin Wyatt |
Group W: Shooters, Fishers and Farmers
Jeff Hodges |
Andrew Pope |
Group X: Independent
Tony Moore |
Cartia Moore |
Group Y: Liberal Democratics
Gabe Buckley |
Lloyd Russell |
Group Z: Citizens Electoral Council
Jan Pakallus |
Danny Hope |
Debbie Lo-Dean |
Gary Sharpe |
Paul Larcombe |
Jane Hasler |
John Woodward |
Nicholas McArthur-Williams |
Hassan Ghulam |
Wayne Wharton |
Amanda Murphy |
Paul Stevenson |
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