KINGDOM OF NORWAY LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS OF 13 SEPTEMBER 2021 ======================================================================= Elections to the Storting Source: Norwegian government elections website Parties ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Ap - Arbeiderparti (Labour Party) * FrP - Fremskrittspartiet (Progress Party) * H - Høyre (Conservative Party) * KrF - Kristelig Folkeparti (Christian People's Party) * MDG - Miljøpartiet De Grønne (Green Party) * PF - Pasientfokus (Patient Focus) * R - Rødt (Red) * SP - Senterparti (Centre Party) * SV - Sosialistisk Venstreparti (Socialist Left Party) * V - Venstre (Liberal Party) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS ======================================================================= Registered voters: 3,891,736 Votes cast: 3,003,290 77.2 Invalid votes: 22,867 00.8 Valid votes: 2,980,423 99.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Labour Party (Ap) 783,394 26.3 -01.1 48 -01 Centre Party (SP) 402,961 13.5 +03.2 28 +09 Socialist Left (SV) 228,063 07.6 +01.6 13 +02 Red (R) 140,931 04.7 +02.3 8 +07 Green Party (MDG) 117,647 03.9 +00.7 3 +02 Patient Focus (PF) 4,950 00.2 1 +01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined left 1,677,946 56.3 +07.0 101 +20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Conservative (H) 607,316 20.4 -04.6 36 -09 Progress Party (FrP) 346,474 11.6 -03.6 21 -06 Liberal Party (V) 137,433 04.6 +00.2 8 -01 Christian People's (KrF) 113,344 03.8 -00.4 3 -05 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Combined right 1,204,567 40.4 -08.4 68 -20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Others 97,910 03.3 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,980,423 169 -----------------------------------------------------------------------