REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 31 MAY 1998 =================================================================== Elections to the Congreso Nacional (National Congress) Source: Fortunecity website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------- * DP - Democracia Popular (People's Democracy) * FRA - Frente Radical Alfarista (Alfarist Radical Front) * MPD - Movimiento Popular Democrático (Democratic People's Movement) * MUPP-NP - Movimiento Unidad Plurinacional Pachakutik - Nuevo País (Pluri-National Pachakutik Movement - New Country) * PCE - Partido Conservador Ecuatoriana (Conservative Party of Ecuador) * PID - Partido Izquierda Democrática (Party of the Democratic Left) * PRE- Partido Roldosista Ecuatoriana (Ecuadorian Roldosist Party) * PSC - Partido Social Cristiano (Social Christian Party) NATIONAL SUMMARY =================================================================== Party Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------- Democracia Popular 35 Frente Radical Alfarista 3 Movimiento Popular Democrático 2 Movimiento Unidad Plurinacional Pachakutik - Nuevo País 6 Partido Conservador Ecuatoriana 2 Partido Izquierda Democrática 17 Partido Roldosista Ecuatoriana 25 Partido Social Cristiano 26 Others 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 125 -------------------------------------------------------------------