Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Adam Carr's Election Archive
Commonwealth of Australia
Members of the House of Representatives since 1901
Division of Parramatta, New South Wales
(created 1901)

< Parkes (created 1984) previous seat | next seat Paterson (1949-84) >
Return to alphabetical list of seats

Rt Hon Sir Joseph Cook (FT, AS, Lib, Nat) 1901-21 Herbert Pratten (Nat) 1921-22 Hon Eric Bowden (Nat) 1922-29 Albert Rowe (ALP) 1929-31 Hon Sir Frederick Stewart (UAP, Lib) 1931-46

Hon Howard Beale (Lib) 1946-58 Hon Sir Garfield Barwick (Lib) 1958-64 Hon Nigel Bowen (Lib) 1964-73 Philip Ruddock (Lib) 1973-77 Hon John Brown (ALP) 1977-90

Hon Paul Elliott (ALP) 1990-96 Hon Ross Cameron (Lib) 1996-2004 Julie Owens (ALP) 2004-22 Dr Andrew Charlton (ALP) 2022-