Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Adam Carr's Election Archive
Commonwealth of Australia
Members of the House of Representatives since 1901
Division of Calare, New South Wales
(created 1906, previously Canobolas)

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Return to alphabetical list of seats

Hon Thomas Brown (Lab, ALP) 1906-13 Henry Pigott (Lib, Nat) 1913-19 Thomas Lavelle (ALP) 1919-22 Hon Sir Neville Howse (Nat) 1922-29 George Gibbons (ALP) 1929-31

Hon Harold Thorby (CP) 1931-40 John Breen (ALP) 1940-46 John Howse (Lib) 1946-60 John England (CP) 1960-75 Sandy Mackenzie (NCP, NPA) 1975-83

Hon David Simmons (ALP) 1983-96 Peter Andren (Ind) 1996-2007 Hon John Cobb (Nat) 2007-16 Hon Andrew Gee (Nat, Ind) 2016-