FADDEN, Qld ==================================================================== Gold Coast: Arundel, Helensvale, Labrador, Pacific Pines, Runaway Bay -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016 two-party majority: LNP over Labor 11.3 Effect of 2018 redistribution: no change -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrolled voters: 114,061 +08.9 Votes cast: 102,231 89.6 +00.2 Informal votes: 5,013 04.9 +00.4 Formal votes: 97,212 95.1 -00.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate Party Votes % Swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jake Welch LDP 4,391 04.5 Luz Stanton ALP 21,882 22.5 -03.5 Darren Eather PHON 8,334 08.6 -03.4 Allan Barber FACNP 1,531 01.6 Scott Turner Grn 8,747 09.0 +01.4 Hon Stuart Robert * LNP 47,359 48.7 -00.7 Mara Krischker UAP 4,968 05.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 97,212 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd count: Barber's 1,531 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Welch 201 13.1 4,592 04.7 Stanton 101 06.6 21,983 22.6 Eather 645 42.1 8,979 09.2 Turner 156 10.2 8,903 09.2 Robert * 207 13.5 47,566 48.9 Krischker 221 14.4 5,189 05.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,531 97,212 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd count: Welch's 4,592 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanton 1,090 23.7 23,073 23.7 Eather 1,012 22.0 9,991 10.3 Turner 475 10.3 9,378 09.7 ROBERT * 1,636 35.6 49,202 50.6 Krischker 379 08.3 5,568 05.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,592 97,212 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th count: Krischker's 5,568 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanton 601 10.8 23,674 24.4 Eather 2,147 38.6 12,138 12.5 Turner 650 11.7 10,028 10.3 ROBERT * 2,170 39.0 51,372 52.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,568 97,212 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th count: Turner's 10,028 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanton 6,172 61.6 29,846 30.7 Eather 1,393 13.9 13,531 13.9 ROBERT * 2,463 24.6 53,835 55.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 10,028 97,212 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th count: Eather's 13,531 votes distributed -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanton 4,979 36.8 34,825 35.8 ROBERT * 8,552 63.2 62,387 64.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 13,531 97,212 14.2 02.9 to LNP -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuart Rowland Robert (born 1970): Elected 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 Assistant Treasurer to 29 May 2019 Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme from 29 May 2019 Minister for Government Services from 29 May 2019 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert sat with the Liberal Party in the House of Representatives. --------------------------------------------------------------------